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New Articles and Book Reviews are availble to subscribers each month. Product updates and additions are on going and available to subscribers on a continual basis.

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Thank You for visiting the preview area. Each link that appears in purple text is a link available to the public for preview. All other links are available to members of Easy to be Green. Each type of page available to members is represented with at least one page available for preview. If you click a members only page and receive a warning "Authorization Required", just click the back button in your browser and you will be back in the preview area.

Types of Pages

Product pages: The preview section has a "Cork Flooring" and "Residential Wood Furniture" page which includes a product chart with sustainable information about the products, an "about" section is included in a drop down panel below the title of each product page. These sections describe the product category including the sustainable positives and possible concerns. A "criteria" section is in a drop down panel at the top of each product chart. This section explains the sustainable criteria the products must meet in order to be included in the chart. Each product listed in the navigation at the top of the page are products that also have the same type of pages available to members. Products will be added on a regular basis. Current products will be routinely updated.

Articles: New articles will be researched and included each month. These informative articles will focus on a specific sustainable concept, controversy, or product. The first month had "Vinyl in a nutshell" available for preview and a basic "Green Questions" available for members. The March issue focused on decision making with three articles each covering one decision making method: The Precautionary Principle, Green Screen, and Life Cycle Assessments which are available to subscribers. The April article explaining the Sustainable Furniture Assessment standard is available for preview.

Editorial: One of the articles each month will be a new editorial with comment and opinion regarding a sustainable concept. This will be an opportunity to ponder a broader question or concern within sustainability. The first month had a "Welcome" editorial explaining the evolution and mission of Easy to be Green. The March editorial gave my opinion regarding the decision making methods explained in the articles and how these methods can be applied to interior design. The April editorial is about the ethics of sustainability and is available for preview.

Book Reviews: We will review a book or two each month. We launched with a review of Silent Spring by Rachel Carson because she helped launch the environmental movement in the United States with the writing of her book. The review of Silent Spring is available for preview. We've also reviewed the book Red Sky at Morning by James Gustave Speth because it is an excellent overview of where we stand now in our global sustainability challenge. This book review is available to members. Our March book, Making Better Environmental Decisions, is also available to members. This book discusses the pros and cons of Risk Assessment as a decision making tool and offers Alternatives Assessment as a better way. This book was chosen because it fit into the March theme of decision making tools. The April book review, Women in Green, is available for preview.

Fundamentals: We've included brief overviews of major fundamental concepts of sustainability. These can be used by us as professionals for reminders and they can be used as primers with clients to help them understand the underlying rationale of our design decisions. The "Fundamentals" section also includes a "Links to more info" page that has links to more information relating to the fundamental concepts. Three fundamental concepts are available for preview.

Resources: The preview section has a page with Trade Associations and Professional Organizations listed with a description and links to their websites. Members have access to the same type of page with Environmental Groups and one with Publications, Trade shows and Conferences listed.

Surfing: All external links are listed alphabetically on this page available to members.

Archives: As the left navigation panel fills up with articles and book reviews, this section will contain all the articles and book reviews from past months.

New: This is a quick review of what is new. The articles and editorials are new each month. New products are marked as new in the navigation panel and updates are apparent in the product charts.

Contact: Please contact us with any questions or comments. We expect to hear from members on a regular basis so that we can prioritize our research to best meet your needs.

Thank You for considering subscribing to Easy to be Green for your research assistant. We look forward to serving you.